By Sophie Perrins, Photo Editor

The Southern Appalachian Nature Photographers association (SANP, for short), held another monthly meeting last week in the L. J. Goins Administration Building at Pellissippi State Community College’s Hardin Valley campus. Although hosted at the school, the association and its meetings are not only for students; anyone can join the fun, whether by submitting their work or by attending the meetings to see the amazing art captured in the area.
This month’s theme was macro-photography, the art of capturing extreme close-up shots of small miniscule things, allowing us to see the world through the eyes of the smallest members of nature. Here are some shots from the night to showcase what not to miss out on next month.

A big part of this month’s meeting was the gifting of their 2024 SANP Presidential Citation award to Julie Gibbery, as pictured above. A Membership Committee chairman, Gibbery was awarded the Citation for her inclusion of new members and hard work to build and maintain the association over the past 12 months.
Gibbery wasn’t the only one awarded that evening; below is photographer Brad Cottrell receiving the Chester A. Massey Distinguished Service Award for his “outstanding contributions to the spirit and objectives of the club.” The SANP website states that the award “embodies the name of the founder of the Southern Appalachian Nature Photographers organization and is the premier award of the SANP.”

Many audience members were so enthusiastic about their craft they would take photos of the presentation from their phones. Here, a pictured photographer photographs macro photography during the Nature Photographer’s photography showcase.

Members of SANP use this group to grow their skills in photography, share their work, socialize, and escape from pressures of modern life. Not only do they showcase their work and discuss/teach their many techniques, but they also form a sense of community, which was strongly felt even as an observer of the meeting.
Upcoming sessions for SANP include a discussion about insect photography on 3/18 in the Cedar Bluff Public Library and a return to the Goins Building on 3/29 for a waterfall/night photography workshop. Their association’s motto focuses on “sharing the awareness of nature through photography,” and this monthly meeting proved that they are living their mission.
Upcoming Meetings
Insect Photography, March 18, 7 p.m., Cedar Bluff Library
Waterfall/Night Photography, March 29, 7 p.m., Goins Building, Pellissippi State
Visit the SANP Website for more details